Prepared 10 August 1991 by John W. Prather, Jr., 600 Carolina Village Road #196 Hendersonville, NC 28792-2825

Retyped 26 February 1997 by John W. Prather, Jr., 600 Carolina village Rd. #196, Hendersonville, NC, 28792-2825. This is an exact copy of the original Study except for updates and/or corrections which are shown in bold type. Updates are information learned since the original Study was prepared and from experience gained with time. I recommend that a study be made of Bibliography on pp. - before reading or using the Study. Information for many documents not included in this Study will be found in, R14, PRATER PRATHER, PRATOR, PRAYTOR, IN AMERICA, 1620-1800, VOLUME II, by John W. Prather, Jr.

I have prepared this study to organize the information I have developed and received from others and to see if I can determine who the parents of THOMAS PRATHER, b. 26 Mar. 1756, were or may have been.

THOMAS PRATHER (2.005.05) b. ca. 1673 in Calvert County, MD and d. before 15 March 1711/2 in Prince George's County, MD, who m. MARTHA SPRIGG ca, 1698 in Prince George's County, MD.--- Bibliography - Ml pp. 7,9,34,82,92 - M3 pp. 3,28,30 - Rl - R14 pp. 14-16
- JONATHAN PRATHER (1.000.01) - THOMAS PRATHER, SR. (2.005.05) - AARON PRATHER, SR. ( 3.031.06) - SAMUEL PRATHER ( 4.122.02).

Ephraim Stout Lillard (Sl), in a letter dated 5 Aug. 1960 to. John W. E. Prather (S2), says that THOMAS, b. 26 Mar. 1756, may be a descendant of THOMAS PRATHER (2.005.05). Mrs. Martha Prather Storie (S14), in a letter to JWP, Jr. dated 29 March 1988, following are excerpts from her letter and enclosures with her letters : -- Also included in this letter are pages sent by Lois M.P. Schneider, CGRS ; these papers seem to indicate that Thomas, b. 1756, is a descendant of Thomas II and Martha Sprigg : -- Except from letter dated 23 July 1986 from Lois M.P. Schneider, Rt. 10, Box 178, Statesville, NC 28677 to Martha P. Storie -- I went through my files and also the files of Thomas Swann, now deceased, who did considerable work trying to straighten out this family many years ago. 1made copies of some the letters in the files rather than trying to write you what they said. -- Excerpts from pages attached to Lois M.P. Schneiser's letter -- Title PRATHER'S 1HAVE DEFINITE PROOF ON, WHO MOVED TO NORTH CAROLINA BEFORE THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, and how they connect up in MARYLAND -- page one, THOMAS PRATHER 1, b. 1604, England , came to Va. 1622, among others had a son; JONATHAN PRATHER 1, (1631-1680) with wife Jane moved to Md. from Va., prior to 1658, who among others had two sons; THOMAS PRATHER II, (1673-1712) m. Martha Sprigg, lived in Prince George's County, Md., among other children had; AARON PRATHER I, (1710-1777) d. in Maryland, m. JANE PRATHER among other children they had a son, BASIL PRATHER, b. Md. 1742; m. 1765, Md. CHLORINDA ROBERTSON, moved to Rowan Co. N.C. about 1771/2. lived on Little Dutchman's Creek, lredell Co. N.C. about 1801/2, moved to Clark Co. lnd, as did all his sons from that date on until1812. they did not go at the same time -- THOMAS PRATHER b. 1756, Prince George's Co. Md. moved to N.C. before the Rev. War ~ he served in N.C. Militia . He moved to Henry C. Va., before 1785, then to Ky. and then to Jackson Co. Ind. where he d. and is buried. He is a descendant of Thomas B and Martha Sprigg, but I cannot prove just how, S.L. -- He stated in Pension papers that he lived at Mulberry Fields, N.C. He said he enlisted in 1776 at Wills Old Court House (this should be Wilkes County Court House, date should be 1778), Wilkes formed 1777 from Surry and Burke, (sic). --- page two, The THOMAS PRATHER b. 1756 in Prince George's Co. Md. was in N.C. and served in Rev. War left N.C. shortly after Rev War as his son Basil was born 1785 in Henry Co. Va. (from family records).

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