Origin of the PRATER Surname 

From ENGLISH ANCESTRAL NAMES, The Evolution of the Surname from Medieval 
, by J, R, Dolan, Crown Publishers, 1972, he writes under: 

Castles and Manor Houses 
GROUP 120 
page 262: 

"Both the PRATER and the REAVES names mean essentially the same thing in 
that they belong to men of authority. They may not always have been the 
top man in a manor, but they were certainly close to it. The Latin word 
praetor meant 'an assistant', while reeve meant 'a trusted servant.'" 

Lawmen and Officials 
GROUP 159 
page 318: 

"PRATER, PRAETER, and PRETOR have a Latin root praetor. In 1150, there 
was a Willelmus Pretor. He was known as either a reeve or a sheriff, 
because that is the job he held, but PRETER, or one of its variations, 
was the name given to him and his family."

*...including the surnames PRATER / PRATHER / PRAYTHER / PRATOR / PRAYTOR / PRAYTER

last updated: January 2, 2002